Penumbra • 魑魅魍魉


Penumbra 9


For the ninth iteration of Penumbra (魑魅魍魉), Empress CC! opens with an ambient set and Richard 黎冉 presents Joachim Trier's The Worst Person in the World (2021). Cocoonics will then perform a special interactive hybrid set, followed by an afterparty with Classroom Duo.

On the verge of turning thirty, Julie is faced with a series of choices that force her to pursue new perspectives on her life in contemporary Oslo. Over the course of four years, she navigates love affairs and existential uncertainty as she starts deciding who she wants to become.

Bio: Empress CC!

Empress CC! 白天做梦,晚上放歌给你听。最近迷恋于魔法,幻境,贝斯以及奇怪的声音,可以让舞池睡着流泪或疯狂.

Empress CC! day dreams all day, plays music for you at night. Currently into magic, outer world, bass and weird sounds. Capable of making dance floor dream, cry or mad.

Bio: Richard 黎冉.

Richard Lo (alias: 黎冉) is a writer-translator & filmmaker-photographer from somewhere. You can find him at Elevator on Sunday.

Bio: Cocoonics

Cocoonics是一块音乐制作茧,自2017年以HKCR电台的一场SP404 live始孵化, 她在次年迅速登上了香港Clockenflap及Sónar Festival的舞台,并于20年正式入驻上海音乐场景。

这次Cocoonics将带来一场Ambient set,这场演出需要你的参与。无论是你的声音、你手机里的一小段音频、还是你想要在现场创造的声音,都会成为现场演出的一部分。


Bio: Classroom Duo

Classroom Duo play an adversarial game in which an experienced DJ tries to teach an inexperienced DJ how to mix, without ruining the dancefloor.


Empress CC!, Cocoonics, Classroom Duo


Film curated by Richard 黎冉


