Penumbra • 魑魅魍魉


Penumbra 7


For the seventh iteration of Penumbra (魑魅魍魉), 酸拇指 returns with Jessie Z. 酸拇指Jessie Z.的首次合作,是一场融入更多剧场尝试的噪音表演,现场将出现持续强烈闪光,如对光线敏感建议佩戴墨镜。We then present a new live set from Temple Rat, and finish with an afterparty set from Illsee.

Bio: 酸拇指


Bio: Jessie Z.

大隐于圈,来日方长。Jessie Z. decided to not be a circle, but a square now.

Bio: Temple Rat

Mei grew up near the vibrant megacity Chengdu in the lush Western China Sichuan Basin. At the age of 9, she began to learn the traditional Chinese Erhu, a genuinely mysterious folk instrument, two-stringed, played with a bow and made from carved wood and snakeskin, sometimes known in the Western world as the Chinese violin or the Chinese two-stringed fiddle. Inspired by her passion for the electronic music scene of Chengdu’s hyped underground, Mei started to fuse traditional Chinese folk music with minimalistic techno tunes:

I usually start my sets by playing the Erhu alone, to create a sense of space, mystery and surprise among my audience. Then, gradually, I add electronic and industrial sounds to fill the space, slowly bringing my audience on an emotional journey, producing a unique kind of atmosphere

Mei steadily improved her skills to express a unique blend of live Erhu performances with 4×4 electronic beats. She eventually started to perform as Temple Rat from 2015 on culminating in her much-praised performance in Shanghai’s 2019 Boiler Room.

Her music is influenced by sparks of the natural and religious environment she grew up in, ancient oriental rhythms as well as by her favourite 90’s ACID elements. In 2017 she released her first EP on ADE China Pavilion Records and from 2019 on Mei collaborates with Tokyo producer Ryogo Yamamori with whom she released her latest album Spring Dawn on Kagerou Records which is available on Beatport and iTunes.

I believe that music is alive, like a tree, rooted in the soil of your heritage.

So far her musical career has brought her to cities all over China , Japan, HongKong, Cambodia, Vietnam and major European festivals like the Château Perché Festival (France), the Summer Story Festival (Spain) and the ADE (Netherlands). Mei has recently performed live sets for Carnival Bizarre at KitKat Club Berlin, the Boiler Room Shanghai edition, Block FM Tokyo and Red Light Radio Amsterdam.

Bio: Illsee

Illsee,(学名:老慢) 是一种生长于长江三角洲东部城市上海的灵长目人科人属及直立行走的物种。与其他高等灵长类动物一样,Illsee是社会性的动物。深受早期工业音乐的影响,擅长用80年代至今的各式流行或非流行歌曲,向其他灵长类动物表达自我、交换意见以及组织。Illsee常在夜晚活动,因为她会捕捉迷失在街头、有害市容、扰乱其他灵长类动物生活作息的成年男女性,所以被认为是有益的。

Illsee, scientific name 老慢, is an upright-walking primate, born and raised in the easternmost city of the Yangtze River Delta, Shanghai. Like other primates, Illsee is a social animal. She is known for her skill at using popular and non-mainstream music from the 80s to the present-day to express herself, exchange ideas and organize with other primates.  Illsee is active at night, because she is able to capture adult men and women lost in the streets, who might otherwise harm the city and disrupt the lives of their fellow primates. As a result her activities are considered to be beneficial.


酸拇指, Jessie Z., Temple Rat, Illsee



